LUKAS research project

InMach Intelligente Maschinen GmbH is a participant in the LUKAS research project. LUKAS stands for “Local Environment Model for Cooperative, Automated Driving in Complex Traffic Situations”.
The project aims to ensure fast, safe and reliable communication between all users and components within a local traffic system, such as a busy road junction.
The research project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and consists of companies of various sectors and university institutions that contribute a high level of competence and expertise in the disciplines of driver assistance, automated driving and cooperative, networked systems.
Project partners:
- Bosch
- Mercedes Benz
- InMach Intelligente Maschinen GmbH
- IT Designers Group
- Nokia
- University Duisburg Essen
- University Ulm

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InMach Intelligente Maschinen GmbH
Nicolaus-Otto-Str. 4
89079 Ulm / Germany