The cleaning robot Adlatus CR 700

ADLATUS Robotics develops and produces autonomous service robots for the commercial cleaning sector at its Ulm site.

Designed to serve … That is the mission of ADLATUS Robotics GmbH. ADLATUS supports the change through digitalisation and globalisation with the development of autonomous service robots for professional use. We offer our customers from the facility management industry complete solutions including consulting, commissioning, training and services. The navigation software, as the core of the robot systems, is specially developed by ADLATUS Robotics.

Saving costs, making work easier, increasing quality or sustainability are examples of factors that motivate customers of Adlatus Robotics GmbH to use service robots – InMach plays a central role in making service robots more intelligent and paving the way for new products and solutions.

The intelligent processing of sensor data by powerful controllers from InMach enable advanced navigation in the first place, even in complex environments.
An interaction of different sensors ensures stability in navigation and brings collision avoidance to a performance level that meets global standards.

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Contact us!

InMach Intelligente Maschinen GmbH

Nicolaus-Otto-Str. 4
89079 Ulm / Germany

+0049 731 550 166 0